1. Report -

    This report builds on our ‘Don’t box me in’ report. Young people and their parents/carers were asked how easy or difficult it was for young people to access health services in Newcastle and Gateshead.

  2. Report -

    Our annual report for 2020–21 outlines our activities over the year to understand and improve people's experiences of social care and health services in Gateshead.
  3. Report -

    In early 2021 Healthwatch England designed a survey to help local services and national policymakers understand how they can improve the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

    We used the survey to support local services to adapt and improve the delivery of the vaccination programme locally.
  4. Report -

    In late 2021 we asked a cross cutting stakeholder and partner group of 42 organisations to complete our stakeholder feedback survey. This was used to steer us on our recent changes and if they were working.
  5. Report -

    19 October 2021